Our Philanthropic Principles
Our Giving Philosophy
The White Family Foundation supports organizations that excel at helping those in need while promoting self-reliance and personal responsibility. By developing partnerships with qualified education, healthcare, and religious organizations in the Tampa Bay area, each grant, no matter the amount, can have a significant impact.
Our Board places the highest value on promoting long term grantor and grantee relationships. We look at every approved grant as a Philanthropic Partnership whose primary goal is to benefit our local, Tampa Bay community. We look forward to seeing first hand your organization and how you fulfill your mission and vision!
We prioritize all of our Grant Requests into four major areas: Education, Religious Focus, Healthcare, and, Family and Well-Being. Below are some examples of past grants to local organizations for each of these areas of philanthropic focus. These organizations were selected for their outstanding ability to execute their mission in service to this community in a fiscally responsible way.
1. Education
EDUCATION is an important focus for the White Family Foundation. A child who has access to a quality education can change their future.
– Academy Preparatory of St. Petersburg: provides middle school education, and highschool and post-secondary education placement, counseling, and life circumstance advising to help disadvantaged youth secure a different future.
– Ryan Wells Foundation: Supporting culinary scholarships for high school and college students.
– LiFT Academy: meeting the needs of non-traditional learners, and children with various learning disabilities and post highschool ADL’s on the job training.PAL, Pinelles County: after school programs for at risk kids in central Pinellas.
– Vincent House: job training and skills training for our local community struggling with the impact of mental illness.
– Creative Clay: job and skills training for local artists of all ages with diverse capabilities.
2. Healthcare
As the 3rd most populous state in the United States and a heavy retirement destination for many around the US and the world, Florida depends upon the quality of its HEALTHCARE and health resources. Here in Tampa Bay, we have been privileged to support many local non-profits that focus on either improving or investing in the individual’s and family’s health.
Some of our past projects have been:
– NAMI: National Alliance for Mental Illness funding to produce their resource booklets for family crisis use.
– Celma Mastry Ovarian Cancer Foundation: to help in early detection of this deadly women’s cancer.
– High Risk Hope: to help women and families navigate the realities of preterm infant issues.
– Wheelchairs for Kids: to help children and families with needed wheelchairs, and other mobility supports that aren’t covered by state or local resources.
– Brookwood of Florida: to help young middle school and high school aged girls in crisis, most often victims of abuse, reclaim their futures.
– Liz’s Legacy: mental health scholarships for children and teens.
3. Religious
RELIGIOUS organizations are the backbone of our communities. Our Foundation has been proud to support many of our churches and church sponsored programs.
Examples of past projects:
– St. Jerome Catholic Church food pantry and children’s ministries
– St. Anne Catholic Church Food pantry
-Catholic school religious education: Clearwater Central Catholic High School, St. Paul Catholic School, St. Patrick Catholic School
– St. Paul’s Independent School
– St. Petersburg Diocese, Bethany Center Chapel
– A Door of Hope: a foster care parent training and management program from a Christian perspective.
4. Family and Well-Being
The life of a community begins with the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental FAMILY WELL-BEING. A majority of our funding has been focused in helping children and families be their best.
Examples of past projects:
– Raising Hope: provides emergency clothing and toiletry needs for children entering the foster care system.
– Children’s Dream Fund: provides seriously and terminally ill children with “Dream” experiences that encourage them and their families as they navigate life-threatening realities.
– Quantum Leap Farms: provides equine therapies for children with disabilities and veteran’s support programs.
– CASA: provides emergency housing for women and children, victims of domestic abuse.
– Kind Mouse: provides pack-a-snack food bags for school aged children over the weekends and all school breaks; also serves as a community food pantry for families in need.
– Day Star Life Center: a multi-faceted family resource center meeting food, shelter, clothing, and job insecurities.